Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wk 3 - Free Write - The Flipped Classroom

Earlier this week, I was reviewing the platforms of various professionals that were running for office in a professional organization that I am a part of.  In one of the platforms, the candidate mentioned the use of vlodcasts in the classroom as a teaching tool.  So when I searched the web for vodcasts to get a basic idea of the what and how the candidate was referring to I ran across a great site.  This site uses vodcasts education in what is referred to as the Flipped Classroom.  This is an amazing teaching philosophy that I have been unknowingly trying to get to the point of mimicking.  The basic concept behind this is that the students view the vodcasts, which a video podcast, prior to coming to the classroom.  Students are able to view them on YouTube or download onto their MP3 player through iTunes.  The vodcasts is basically the lecture that would normally be presented during the regular class time.  Since students will be viewing the lecture ahead of time the work that would normally be assigned as homework is now classwork which allows students the options to re-listen to the vodcast during class or to ask the teacher for further guidance.  This is also great for science teachers because this will allow the time for more hands-on learning.  I would love to be able to do this in my classroom.  I have already spoken to my principal about doing this as trial with a select group of students next school year.  If you have the chance you should definitely take the time to check-out the Flipped Classroom's website.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. I generally employ this method by having you guys view all the videos before our wimba sessions, that way the wimba sessions are much more Q&A and interactive. At least that's the theory. I can see how powerful (and less boring) this method could be for many classes.
